When A Dream Becomes A Nightmare

Last night I had a dream, a business man was walking down a lonely street. Ruffled suit and slump shoulders, dragging along the young man stopped in front of an empty glass storefront with a sign that read “for lease – Built to Suite” and placed his tired head against the cold glass. 

He peered in, hazy-eyed and ready for something more, the scene began to fill like a mist flowing from the tears in his eyes. Tables and chairs appeared, red top and cream white base. A glass case displaying pastries, desserts and baked goods. A gold and red register sat atop with a smiling face standing in front of an open door leading to the bakery and kitchen prep. 

The gentleman turned the sign open and walked back to his register, a position of pride and passion awaiting his first customers. In walks a young woman, smiling widely and gushing over the decor and layout. She sits at the first table on the left, the gentleman brings her a slide of pie streaming and crisp, sweet smell of apples and cinnamon fill the air as he sets it in front of her gently. She signals for him to join her and he sits while they share smiles and stories for hours, the scene focuses on their eyes filled with wonder and possibility and then pans out to a framed photo of that first meeting, together on the wall. 

At the back of the bakery is the owner, now white haired and wrinkled, laughing and playing with three young children as he puts frosting on the nose of the smallest little one. They all share laughs and he calls to his wife to come see the grandkids and share in the newly created masterpiece they had made, together. 

The front glass begins to fog over and the beautifully nostalgic scene slowly disappears and fades away, a reflection in the glass remains. The gentleman in the ruffled suit with his head on the glass, wipes a tear from his eyes, straightens up his tie and slowly regretfully walks away. 

Some of us can’t see through the nightmare to the dream that’s awaiting us. 

Some of us are waiting to be given a chance, woken up and carried forward. 

The could have been, would have been and should have beens can be washed away like a bad dream and our reality can be a dream if we find a moment to over come the concern, push past complacency and create confidence, together!

What dreams are you helping to create? 

It’s more than just business, it’s life. 

A journey begins with a single step, let’s take that step together!

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